Exporting Content to BMAT

You will need to follow the following steps:

  1. Contact Harvest Media support to let them know you would like to export your content to BMAT. We will need to know:
    • whether you already have an account with the endpoint.
  2. Once HarvestMedia has set up your account with the BMAT Digiback API endpoint available, export your albums following these easy steps:

Manage Tab

This tab allows you to configure export systems; search and send content based on labels, albums, album status, endpoints, and export status. Also monitor the queue and delivery processes.

    1. Go to Distribute>Export Manager

    2. In the Manage tab, find your catalogue in the search panel

      Hint: Select Unprocessed in Export Status to find all content for all endpoints that have not been sent. Use the Group By filtering option to filter by Album or Label.


    3. In the "Endpoint" textbox, select "BMAT Digiback API".
    4. To select albums to add to the queue, either click on the checkbox or the status icons, then select the action button to add albums to the queue.


    5. In the Albums awaiting dispatch panel, click the View and Dispatch icon. You can remove albums from the queue from this window also.


    6. Select all or some of the albums to validate and dispatch.


      7. Any albums in the Dispatch & Processing Errors panel can be re-queued for dispatch if they have a Error status.


This tab allows you to search and view sent history. Search by date, labels, albums endpoint or delivery status. Export 

    1. Go to Distribute>Export Manager

    2. In the Usage tab, begin a search using the search panel fields or use the Quick Search option.


    3. Use the Group By option to filter your search results by Label or BMAT endpoint.


    4. Export your search results using the Export button on the top right of the screen

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