To import Tunecodes and other attributes on track and album level without having to import all other metadata, use the following steps:
- Go to Account Settings > Advanced Metadata > Field Settings to check what attribute and code fields are turned on for the account. Make amendments as needed
- Head to Music > All Music
- Download the album metadata
Track Code & Attribute Import:
Edit the downloaded file to only include the following headers:
- TRACK: Identity and rename this to Identity
- Any CODE and ATTRIBUTE headers that are on TRACKS only
Save your file as .csv with UTF-8 encoding
Note: Custom ATTRIBUTES can be imported with this method only.
- Go to Import > Attribute & Code import
- Click upload to find your import file and wait for upload to complete, click done
- The file will begin validating, click refresh to check the status of the validating file
- Check that the file passes validation
- Click import to being process. Click on Refresh button to check progress
- When the import is complete, the file will be removed from the workspace
Track and Album Code & Attribute Import:
Edit the downloaded file to only include the following headers:
- TRACK: Filename and rename this to Filename
- Any CODE and ATTRIBUTE headers that are on either TRACKS or ALBUMS
Save your file as .csv with UTF-8 encoding
Complete the same import steps as above.
Note: Custom ATTRIBUTES cannot be imported with this method.
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