Code & Attribute Import

To import Tunecodes and other attributes on track and album level without having to import all other metadata, use the following steps:


  1. Go to Account Settings > Advanced Metadata > Field Settings to check what attribute and code fields are turned on for the account. Make amendments as needed
  2. Head to Music > All Music
  3. Download the album metadata 


Track Code & Attribute Import:

Edit the downloaded file to only include the following headers:

  • TRACK: Identity and rename this to Identity
  • Any CODE and ATTRIBUTE headers that are on TRACKS only


Save your file as .csv with UTF-8 encoding

Note: Custom ATTRIBUTES can be imported with this method only.


  1. Go to Import > Attribute & Code import
  2. Click upload to find your import file and wait for upload to complete, click done
  3. The file will begin validating, click refresh to check the status of the validating file
  4. Check that the file passes validation
  5. Click import to being process. Click on Refresh button to check progress 
  6. When the import is complete, the file will be removed from the workspace



Track and Album Code & Attribute Import:

Edit the downloaded file to only include the following headers:

  • TRACK: Filename and rename this to Filename
  • Any CODE and ATTRIBUTE headers that are on either TRACKS or ALBUMS

Save your file as .csv with UTF-8 encoding

Complete the same import steps as above.

Note: Custom ATTRIBUTES cannot be imported with this method.

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