Ingestion Format Guide - Standard Template


Meta Data File Format Guide Ingestion V3.0 Standard Format

Download the metadata template here:

Meta Data File Format

If you are originating content using the Harvest Media system you will need this document to produce metadata files that are compatible with our ingestion process and provide the maximum amount of metadata to leverage off the platform.
A sample ingestion file will have been supplied with this document and provides example information for first time users. If you do not have this file please contact
The first row of the metadata file must contain the column headers. The headers are used by our platform to correctly store data in the system. Each track will be represented by a row of data. Blank rows should not exist.

The columns in the below table are supported within the metadata file. The column headers must exists as outlined below. The columns must be in the order specified.

How to create a tab delimited text file

The format for Harvest Media ingestion files is a TAB delimited TXT file. This is a flexible cross platform format that is easily made using Microsoft Excel or database systems.
For information on how to create a tab delimited text file please visit: 


Album Artwork

Must be no more than 8MB in file size, jpg format. Example sizes include: 3000px X 3000px @72dpi

Column name Description Sample Header must exist Data Required
LIBRARY: Name Library name of the track.  Formatting and spelling need to remain consistent throughout the Libraries submissions. Videohelper Y Required
ALBUM: Code Catalogue number / album code. Must be the same for all track in a single album. VH022 Y Required
ALBUM: Identity Optional. Identity will be auto generated if one is not supplied once ingested into the system. Y Optional
ALBUM: Title Title of the album.  Locker Room Shock Y Required
ALBUM: Display Title Title of the album shown on the admin interface or players. VH022 Locker Room Shock Y Required
ALBUM: Description Verbose description of the album. Hard-hitting American rock Y Required
ALBUM: Keywords Keywords describing the album. Rock, Pop Punk, Teens, Teenage Y Optional
ALBUM: Tags Tags to identify the album. Max character limit of 300 Promo Y Optional
ALBUM: Styles Styles related to the album. Rock Y Optional
ALBUM: Release Date Format must be in yyyy-mm-dd 42492 Y Required
ALBUM: Artwork Filename Name of artwork file specified in album ingestion folder. Must be .jpg format Artwork_Christmas.jpg Y Optional
TRACK: Title Title of the track, preferably proper case. The wink Y Required
TRACK: Display Title Title of the track, preferably proper case. The wink Y Required
TRACK: Alternate Title Title of the track. The wink – piano solo Y Optional
TRACK: Description Track verbose description. Cannot be an unpopulated field. An infectious, crowd raising sing-a-long with an acoustic driven hipster flair. Version - Full Mix Y Required
TRACK: Number Track number in the album. This must be unique.  Main track number must be a whole number. If the track is a sub version, eg. 17A: then use 17.01 or for 17B use 17.02 etc… 2 (no duplicates allowed) Y Required
TRACK: Is Main Y for yes or N for no accepted only. N Y Required
TRACK: Main Track Number Reference main track number when at alternate version 1 Y Conditional (Yes if Track: Is Main is N)
TRACK: Version The version designation of the track, such as Full Mix, Alt, No Vocals, etc. Full Mix Y Required
TRACK: Duration Duration of the track. Accepted formats Seconds or mm:ss eg: 108 or 1:48 Y Optional
TRACK: BPM Beats per minute of the sample in the numeric format. Whole numbers only, no ranges. 140 Y Optional
TRACK: Tempo The tempo of the track Up tempo Y Optional
TRACK: Genre The genre categories or attributes for the track. Rock Y Required
TRACK: Mixout Track mixout type Fade out Y Optional
TRACK: Instrumentation Instruments featured in track. Each item must be separated by commas. Piano, Guitar Y Required
TRACK: Keywords Keywords describing the track. Rock, Pop Punk, Teens, Teenage Y Required
TRACK: Lyrics Lyrical content of track if available. Hey, hey, yeah
Let’s go everybody
Y Optional
TRACK: Identity Optional. Will be autogenerated once ingested. Y Optional
TRACK: Category Codes Optional.   Y Optional
TRACK: Composer(s) The composers/artists of the track in a short version. Paul Masvidal / Walter Vincent Y Optional
TRACK: Publisher(s) The publisher of the track. Videohelper Inc. Y Optional
TRACK: Artist(s) The artist of the track. Paul Masvidal / Walter Vincent Y Optional
TRACK: Audio Filename The filename of the track. Note these must match the Wav files. Do not include file extension (.wav) or commas ( , ) Do not include special characters (!@#$* etc) 01 Track 1 Y Required
TRACK: Music For A descriptive term for suggested usage of the track. Driving, Edgy N Optional
TRACK: Mood A descriptive term for mood of the track. Action, Sports N Optional


Writers and Publishers

The management of Composer, Arranger and Publisher information can be confusing. To simplify this please follow these guidelines:

General shares % rules:

  • ‘Owner Performance Share %’ across WRITERS must total 100%
  • ‘Owner Performance Share %’ across PUBLISHERS must total 100%
  • ‘Owner Mechanical Share %’across PUBLISHERS must total 100% for a territory

Other shares % patterns:

  • ‘Owner Mechanical Share %’ for WRITERS usually totals 0%
  • ‘Owner Mechanical Share %’ for PUBLISHERS usually totals 100%


  • A right holder can be added for a specific territory (ie: US) that which will override “WORLD” right holder records of the same type (Owner/Collection and Performance/Mechanical)


  • ‘Original Publisher’ for WRITERS must reference one of the PUBLISHER with a capacity of Original Publishers with a capacity of Original Publishers


Column Name Description Sample Header must exist Data Required
ARTIST:{Number}: First Name e.g. “ARTIST:1: First Name” The first name of an artist for the track. Paul N Optional
ARTIST:{Number}: Middle Name e.g. “ARTIST:1: Middle Name”  The middle name of an artist for the track David N Optional
ARTIST:{Number}: Last Name e.g. “ARTIST:1: Last Name” The last name/surname of an artist for the track Masvidal N Required
ARTIST:{Number}: Society e.g. “ARTIST:1: Society” The collecting society that the artist is registered with. Can be set to NS for No Society or PD for Public Domain. ASCAP N Required
ARTIST:{Number}: IPI e.g. “ARTIST:1: IPI” The CAE/IPI code for the artist. 1234 N Conditional (Can be left blank if unknown and Society is NS or PD.)
WRITER:{Number}: First Name e.g. “WRITER:1: First Name” The first name of an writer for the track. Paul Y Optional
WRITER:{Number}: Middle Name e.g. “WRITER:1: Middle Name” The middle name of a writer for the track. David Y Optional
WRITER: {Number}: Last Name e.g. “WRITER:1: Last Name” The last name/surname of a writer for the track Masvidal Y Required
WRITER: {Number}: Capacity e.g. “WRITER:1: Capacity” The capacity of the writer as either an Author, Composer, Composer/Author, or Arranger

Composer/Author Y Required
WRITER: {Number}: Society e.g. “WRITER:1: Society” The collecting society that the writer is registered with. Can be set to NS for No Society or PD for Public Domain. ASCAP Y Required
WRITER: {Number}: IPI e.g. “WRITER:1: IPI” The CAE/IPI code for the writer. A placeholder of 0 is to be used if the number is not known. 1234 Y Conditional (Can be left blank if unknown and Society is NS or PD.)
WRITER: {Number}: Territory e.g. “WRITER:1: Territory” The territory which the writer belongs to. Default is WORLD. WORLD Y Required
WRITER: {Number}: Owner Performance Share % e.g. “WRITER:1: Owner Performance Share %” The percentage share of recognition for the writer in comparison to any other writers or publishers registered on the track. Do not include the “%” symbol. 100 Y Required
WRITER: {Number}: Owner Mechanical Share % e.g. “WRITER:1: Owner Mechanical Share %” The percentage share of recognition for the writer in comparison to any other writers or publishers registered on the track. Do not include the “%” symbol. 0 Y Required
WRITER: {Number}: Original Publisher e.g. “WRITER:1: Original Publisher” The name of the Original Publisher registered on the track. Must match 'TRACK: Publisher(s) West One Music Group Y REQUIRED: Must match 'PUBLISHER: n: Name'
PUBLISHER:{number}: Name e.g. “PUBLISHER:1: Name” The name of a publisher for the track. West One Music Group Y Required
PUBLISHER:{number}: Capacity e.g. “PUBLISHER:1: Capacity” The capacity of the publisher as either an Original Publisher. Original Publisher Y Required
PUBLISHER:{number}: Society e.g. “PUBLISHER:1: Society” The collecting society that the publisher is registered with. Can be set to NS for No Society or PD for Public Domain. PRS Y Required
PUBLISHER:{number}: IPI e.g. “PUBLISHER:1: IPI” The CAE/IPI code for the publisher. A placeholder of 0 is to be used if the number is not known. 1234 Y Conditional (Can be left blank if unknown and Society is NS or PD.)
PUBLISHER:{number}: Territory e.g. “PUBLISHER:1: Territory” The territory which the publisher belongs to. Default is WORLD WORLD Y Required
PUBLISHER:{number}: Owner Performance Share % e.g. “PUBLISHER:1: Owner Performance Share %” The percentage share of recognition for the publisher in comparison to any other writers or publishers registered on the track. Do not include the “%” symbol. 100 Y Required
PUBLISHER:{number}: Owner Mechanical Share % e.g. “PUBLISHER:1: Owner Mechanical Share %” The percentage share of recognition for the publisher in comparison to any other writers or publishers registered on the track. Do not include the “%” symbol. 100 Y Required


Public Domain work

Examples for public domain work WRITER right holder data.


Original Composer Known - No Arranger

W. A. Mozart (PD) 100% [0]

Original Composer Known - With Arranger

W. A. Mozart (PD) 0% [0], Aaron Gant (Arr) (BMI) 100% [123456789]

Original Composer Unknown - With Arranger

Traditional (PD) 0% [0], Aaron Gant (Arr) (BMI) 100% [123456789]



Column Name



Header must exist

Data Required


The ISWC code for the track, usually in the format “P-XXX.XXX.XXX-C”





The ISRC code for the track, usually in the format “CC-XXX-YY-NNNNN”





Category columns

Categories are only relevant for agents who have a Search Player, or a custom build with Harvest Media.

Column name



Header must exist

Data Required


e.g. “CATEGORY: Category name”

The categories to which this track applies

See below




General notes

  • Any field that includes {Desc} can be named as you require for your own reference however it MUST contain the leading field label i.e. WRITER: or ISRC:
  • The number of WRITER and PULISHER entries supplied are unlimited.
  • Important to delete any of the optional columns you are not using.
  • If a WRITER or PUBLISHER column is supplied; all columns for that entry must exist. For example, if a “WRITER:1: First Name” column is supplied then all columns for WRITER:1: must be supplied in order for the metadata file to be valid.

Notes specifically related to Harvest Media Categories

Category data imports into the Harvest Media category structure. The structure does not check the actual data, spelling or accuracy.

The category titles below must match to the top level categories you have set up in the admin. i.e. a top level category in the admin of “Scenarios” would have a column header of CATEGORY: Scenarios

Each cell in your spreadsheet should look like this in order to create the correct hierarchy of data.


CATEGORY: {your category name}

CATEGORY: {your category name}

Brass; Flute: Ethnic; Orchestra/Ensembles; Percussion; Shaker; Strings; Drums: Tom Toms

Hi-Tech; Electronica; Detective; Thriller; Showbiz; Dance; 1960s; Era; 1960s: General


Category 1:

  • Brass
  • Flute
    • Ethnic
  • Orchestra/Ensembles
  • Percussion
  • Shaker
  • Strings
  • Drums
    • Tom Toms

Category 2:

  • Hi-Tech
  • Electronica
  • Detective
  • Thriller
  • Showbiz
  • Dance
  • 1960s
  • Era
  • 1960s
    • General

A comma followed by a semi-colon “; ” separates a category
A colon followed by a space “: ” indicates that the next term is a child item to the previous category


Common Errors

Listed below are the common error messages retuned when metadata or album content is invalid.

Error message


Album Release Date is not valid. It should be in the format: yyyy-mm-dd

Date format is not in yyyy-mm-dd

Track Duration is not valid.

Duration is not in the format of mm:ss or seconds.

In folder <folder name>, metadata contains a 0 (zero) value for track durations on line(s):n
You can continue with this ingestion, but we recommend this data to be entered correctly.

Duration field is set to 0. We suggest this data is added.

C:\Desktop\Library Name\Album Name\Test_Track1.wav does not exist  

Audio file is missing in the album folder OR the filename doesn’t match. Filename contains a comma.

In folder 2.1.0  NEW ingestion - metadata, AT ROW: 3, 4 contain duplicated file name: Test_Track2.wav

‘TRACK: Audio Filename’ has duplicate data.

In folder 2.1.0  NEW ingestion - metadata, metadata file contains no data.

There is no data in the file.

Album Title doesn't exist.

‘ALBUM: Title’ is missing data.

Track Title doesn't exist.

‘TITLE: Title’ is missing data.

NOTE: We're unable to ingest collection shares on your account at this time. These are being ignored.

Any data in the following fields will not be ingested into your account. This is for selected accounts only.

WRITER:{number}: Collection Performance Share %
WRITER:{number}: Collection Mechanical Share %
PUBLISHER:{number}: Collection Performance Share %
PUBLISHER:{number}: Collection Mechanical Share %

Track Composer(s) doesn't exist.

‘TRACK: Composer(s)’ data is missing

Track Publisher(s) doesn't exist.

‘TRACK: Publisher(s)’ data is missing

The owner performance share total for publisher(s) is invalid for ‘name’ territory.

Total percentage shares of PUBLISHER do not equal 100%.

The owner mechanical share total for publisher(s) is invalid for ‘name’ territory.

Total percentage shares of PUBLISHER do not equal 100% each.

The performance share total for writer(s) is invalid for ‘name’ territory.

Total percentage share of WRITER do not equal 100%.

Duplicate publisher name(s) and/or IPI(s) found for ‘name’ territory.

Duplicate PUBLISHER name or IPI cannot exist more than once on a single track in the same territory.

Duplicate writer name(s) and/or IPI(s) found for ‘name’ territory.

Duplicate WRITER name or IPI cannot exist more than once on a single track in the same territory.

No writers/publishers found for ‘name' territory.

PUBLISHER and WRITER fields are empty.

WRITER n: [Publisher doesn't match listed publishers]

‘WRITER: {Number}: Original Publisher’ contains a publisher that is not listed in PUBLISHER fields for this track.

CAT: <name> is not identified. Column: n

Categories now must have the header as: CATEGORY: <name>

Header Error

ATTRIBUTE: WCSP: Track Notes is not a valid Attribute. Column: 86

ATTRIBUTE:WCSP: Category is not a valid Attribute. Column: 87

ATTRIBUTE:WCSP: Featured Instrument is not a valid Attribute. Column: 88

ATTRIBUTE: WCSP: Instrumentation is not a valid Attribute. Column: 89          

ATTRIBUTE:WCSP: Location is not a valid Attribute. Column: 90

ATTRIBUTE:WCSP: Mood is not a valid Attribute. Column: 91

ATTRIBUTE:WCSP: Usage is not a valid Attribute. Column: 92

ATTRIBUTE:WCSP: Era is not a valid Attribute. Column: 93

ATTRIBUTE:WCSP: Vocal is not a valid Attribute. Column: 94

ATTRIBUTE:WCSP: Vocal Type is not a valid Attribute. Column: 95

Warner Chappell Production Music headers exist in the file. Please remove or contact if you are delivering to WCPM.

Error: Row:2

The row location of error.

Length is not valid.

The Length data must be in the format of seconds or mm:ss e.g. 130, 2:16

Header format is invalid

Header should begin with

The header row does not comply with the Harvest Media standard or HM New Standard.

The total share of WRITERS is invalid

Total percentage share of WRITER do not equal 100%.

In folder xyz, AT ROW: 2, 3 contain duplicated file name: Test_Track1.wav

Duplicate filename exists in metadata.

In folder xyz, metadata file contains invalid characters at row: 2, column: 46.

Invalid characters  ? : \ / " * < > | have been found in the metadata.

The total share of publisher is invalid.

Total percentage share of PUB do not equal 100%.

The artwork in folder xyz should be in format jpg.

The artwork in the album folder is not in jpg format

The following folders could not be added to the list as they are not valid Catalogues or Albums

Various errors may exist in the metadata. Use the Metadata Validator for details.

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