To update an existing version of the ingestion tool, follow the steps below:
- Uninstall your current ingestion tool:
- Windows: Click here for steps on how to uninstall programs in general.
- Mac: Click here for steps on how to uninstall programs. - Click here and select the suitable Ingestion Tool download for your computer:
Download the Ingestion Tool, Collection Model or Warner Chappell Guides if you wish.
Installation for PC
- Unzip the downloaded file and double click the file labelled HarvestMedia Ingestion Tool v3.0.0.exe.
- Follow the standard installation prompts.
- You may need to click 'Yes' to allow the program to make changes on your computer:
- The installation process is now complete. You may run the Ingestion Tool located in your Program Files.
Installation for Mac
- Unzip and open the Ingestion Tool installer package.
- In the unzipped folder, double left-click the HMPIngestion_v3.0.0.jar file to launch the Ingestion Tool.
Note: The ingestion tool will not install as a program but can be accessed via the .jar file. The screenshot below is of a different version but applies the same to any future versions.
Errors may occur for Mac users due to not having the Java version. You can find the version of Java for your machine by clicking here.
After installing Java, you can then follow the installation steps above as per normal.
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