The following steps are required to import items within a playlist
- Navigate to Engage page
- Within Playlist panel either
- create a playlist and then or
- select existing playlist to work with e.g. click on playlist name
- Select the playlist import (chain/link) icon from header panel
- A popup will appear stating Playlist name and option to import file.
- Only .csv and .txt files are excepted.
- File should be constructed in the following formats:
- Two columns with Headers titled (in order) as *ALBUM: Code* and *TRACK: Number*; Album code refers to album cd code and track number is cd track number.
- Once a file selected from file system - file will be uploaded
- Click 'import' to start the process.
- A summary will show one of the following when complete:
- Success
- Warning - any issue or partially processed file contents
- Error - when experienced error in processing the file.
- User can navigate away at anytime (pre and post import process).
- The playlist panel will be refreshed to reflect changes made during the process.
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