Update DNS records for email retrieval

If you are having issues with receiving notification emails form the Harvest system, please follow these steps:

  1. Add one (1) domain verification and three (3) DKIM records to your DNS records.

 Domain verification record set:



 Record name

 Record type

 Record Value

_amazonses.<your domain>

e.g. _amazonses.harvestmedia.net


 Please contact support@harvestmedia.net to receive your record value





 Alternate domain verification record:



 Record name

 Record type

 Record Value

<your domain>

e.g. harvestmedia.net


 Please contact support@harvestmedia.net to receive your record value





 DKIM record set:



 Record name

 Record type

 Record Value

pbvkx4v2mwxvejgkqbkxkr72z4njxqhk._domainkey.<your domain>





 Please contact support@harvestmedia.net to receive your record value

cgub345y4bvtyzodsp7nd2dw54pi7evl._domainkey.<your domain>





 Please contact support@harvestmedia.net to receive your record value


ki4gvqroxufo2vu5p33mlkb42ie7cllo._domainkey.<your domain>




 Please contact support@harvestmedia.net to receive your record value


We will send you an email that contains a verification link. Please click the link in the email to initiate the process.

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