Set up a CNAME record

The CNAME allows you to mask our domain for the generic player with your own domain.

Live domain: this is your main search engine link and the domain which the player runs off, it is the URL in the browser.


Please adjust to the below, or something similar:

search.[yourcompanyurl] pointing to: OR

For Engage players:

search.[yourcompanyurl] pointing to:

The following steps may differ depending on your domain provider. Please use this guide as a general reference only.

To do this:

  1. Go to your domain records settings page on you domain's admin
    If you do not already have a domain, you will need to purchase one from a provider of your choosing.

  2. Add or edit a CNAME record by entering the value as: OR

  3. Save your changes

  4. When complete, contact advising your chosen url (domain name)
    We will then run a test to check it has been set up correctly.      

Important: If you would like you url to work with or without 'www' please follow these steps:


  1. For root/apex domains can you please point the A record to this new IP 

  1. Create a cname for your domain that points to your domain without the 'www', for example,
    cname: --> point to
  2. Then have domain without the 'www' point to /, for example:
    cname: --> point to /


If you have any issues or unsure of what to do, contact support with your access details so that we can make the update for you.


Important: When using a CPANEL login ensure that if the URL to the CPANEL is the same as the domain they are running the player on, DO NOT update their root A record


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