Adding Categories

Categories and styles are different ways to sort your music. These can be used on your search engine to browse music. 

Set up categories:

  1. Go to Music > Categories

  2. Select add or click the edit icon to edit an existing category

  3. Set up sub-categories by selecting a parent category from the drop down.
  4. AVAILABLE ON REQUEST: Map Categories to Instrumentation, Keywords, Tempo or Genre data

  5. Make deletions by clicking the track icon or reorder the categories using the up/down arrows


Assigning categories


  1. To assign Categories to tracks, go to MusicManage Tracks

  2. Search for particular tracks or load all tracks

  3. Select the tracks to add a category to;

  4. Select the action option and choose manage categories

  5. Select the Category from the drop down and click assign to selected
    Complete the same process to delete a category from a track.




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