Downloading data or audio

You may download the data and audio content from your account at any time. Do this by:

Label and Album downloads:

  1. Go to Music > All Music
  2. Click the download data  icon OR download audio icon  next to the album 
    For audio downloads, select the format you wish to download
  3. Click the download audio icon next to the label to download all albums in that label.
    For audio downloads, select the format you wish to download
    Please note: If you are not receiving download emails for a label, this may be due to the label size. You can workaround this by bulk downloading albums through the ALBUM MANAGER in your Harvest account:
    You may need to select less albums in bulk to receive the appropriate download emails.

  4. Your browser will begin to download the data in a zip file for a single album:

    For album data:
    The zip file will contain a csv file contain the data and album artwork (original ingested format and a thumbnail)

    For label and album audio:
    An email will be sent with a download link(s).The link will download a zip file containing the audio files in your chosen format.


Track downloads:

  1. Go to Music > All Music

  2. Click on an album to load up the tracks within it
  3. Click the download audio icon  next to the track

  4. Choose a format and click OK

  5. Your browser will begin to download the track in the selected format


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