Copy a Playlist to/from a Member

In order to copy a playlist to a member, you should have already created a playlist or have playlists available in any of the tabs (My, Team, Featured) on the top-right hand panel.

To begin copying playlists to a member from a user:


  1. Search for a member and double click to view the member's playlists.

    Pin members to find them easily or if you access their playlists frequently.

  2. Member playlists will display in the Playlist tab.

  3. Using the drag icondrag a user created playlists (from My, Team or Featured) to the member's name under the Member tab. 

  4. Double click the member's name in the Members tab to refresh the Playlist view


To begin copying playlists to a user from a member:


  1. Search for a member and double click to view the member's playlists.

    Pin members to find them easily or if you access their playlists frequently.

  2. Member playlists will display in the Playlist tab.

  3. Click on the Copy to My Playlist icon 

  4. In the popup, select the tab where you wish to add the playlist to.

  5. The copied playlist will now appear in the selected tab in the top right


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