
A Watchlist is used to easily identify metadata that may infringe or reference specific terms. For example: Keywords containing “Britney Spears”


To create a watchlist:

  1. Go to Account Settings > Advanced Metadata > Groups

  2. Select Watchlist picklist from the menu


  3. Click add

  4. Enter the word to be added to the list 
  5. Add a code (optional)
  6. Hit save & next to continue adding words
  7. Hit save to review all entered items
    Note that added items cannot be edited. They must be deleted and re-added.


To review active watchlist alarms:

  1. Go to Account Settings > Advanced Metadata > Watchlist


  2. Search for any terms you have created in the picklist
  3. Choose the fields you wish to search in
  4. Hit submit
  5. Review the results (if any) and click the number to open the specific watchlist term

  6. Click the listed alarms to review the content where the search term was found
  7. For illegal terms, choose to:
  • set the status of the track/album to inactive by clicking the check box
  • ignore the alarm by clicking the ignore icon
  • edit by clicking the edit icon 

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