
Categories and styles are different ways to sort your music. These can be used on your search engine (PRO3/FLEX) to browse music. 

Set up categories:

  1. Go to Music > Categories

  2. Select add or click the edit icon to edit an existing category

  3. Set up sub-categories by selecting a parent category from the drop down.
  4. Optional: Map Categories to Instrumentation, Keywords, Tempo or Genre data.

    Setting up Mapping on a category forces any track containing the same word used in Keywords/Tempo/Genre/Instrumentation to map the category name.

    *To have this switched on your account, please contact
    Note, you will need to have set up your Category tree first. Mapping back catalogues will require a quote for this to be completed.

  5. Make deletions by clicking the track icon or reorder the categories using the up/down arrows

UPDATE: Categories are now marked with the following colour-coding to assist you with a quick overview of: a) how many tracks are assigned to a category and b) what regions they are assigned to.

  • Red= "No tracks assigned"
  • Orange= "Track missing on some category tree branches"
  • Blue= "Tracks assigned to all category tree branches but missing on one or more regions"
  • Green= "Tracks assigned to all category tree branches for all regions"

Assigning categories

Note: when category mapping is turned on, you cannot manually assign tracks to categories. This process has been replaced by the automation from mapping.

  1. To assign Categories to tracks, go to MusicManage Tracks

  2. Search for particular tracks or load all tracks

  3. Select the tracks to add a category to;

  4. Select the action option and choose manage categories

  5. Select the Category from the drop down and click assign to selected
    Complete the same process to delete a category from a track.




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