Common Metadata Errors and how to fix them

Some metadata errors can be easily fixed. This article outlines what to do if you're having trouble ingesting.

First, run the Metadata validator on the metadata .TXT file for the album you are having trouble ingesting.

If the Metadata validator displays the message 'File is valid.', then the issue is likely to be corrupt .WAV files. Please contact for a quick response to solve these issues.

If the Metadata validator displays another message, the issue is likely within the metadata file.

Below is a list of these errors, and how you can easily fix them:

  1. Line breaks
    A very common issue with metadata is the presence of invisible line breaks. Line breaks are where a cell in your spreadsheet is 'broken' across two lines, made with 'Control + Enter' or 'Command + Return'.

    Fix: These are so common, we have written a whole article about them: Removing Linebreaks from Metadata.

  2. Incorrect column headers
    If the metadata validator displays the following message:

    Match your column headers exactly to those in the Metadata template exactly. We suggest that you do this by:
    1. Copying and pasting the headers from our Metadata template.
    2. Retyping any additional headers from the template, e.g. COM:2:... columns headers.
    3. All headers are mandatory and cannot be changed. It is safe to leave fields blank for optional columns.

  3. Empty mandatory cells
    Be sure that all mandatory cells are populated in your metadata. A full list of mandatory columns can be found in our Metadata guide.

  4. Invalid characters

    Make sure you do not have invalid characters in the row and column specified. Here, the issue is that the COM 1:P % Share column has "%" for the first track.

  5. Incorrect file names
    This message will be displayed where the Filenames column does not match the actual name of the files in the Album folder, or where the folder does not contain both metadata and the .wav files.

    : Check the .txt file and .wav files are in the same folder. Copy the filenames from your Finder window into your metadata .txt file, or alternatively, replace the filenames for the .wav files with the data from the Filenames column, by copying and pasting.

  6. Invalid length

    Check that the 'Length' column, specifying the track's duration, is set as a 'General' cell, rather than Time. Additionally, make sure it is either in seconds (e.g. "108") or mm:ss (e.g. 01:48) format.

  7. Unnecessary and optional columns (e.g. REG columns)
    Some columns are not required to exist, and if they are not populated, need to be removed from your file.
    If this message is displayed, you need to remove the columns specified:

    Fix: If some tracks have data for the specified columns, make sure they are filled correctly. For example, make sure all other tracks have 'N' in the REG:I Include column.

    If they aren't populated, and you don't need them, then delete these columns from the file.

  8. Invisible data after track rows
    Sometimes your file will contain data in the final row. This will appear as the following error. Note that there is no actual file name specified, it is just a folder path and '.wav' at the end:

    1. Click the start of the row which is returning the error.
    2. Right click + 'Clear contents' or hit Delete. This will clear any invisible data.
  9.  Ingestion Tool Message: No such file or directory
    If your upload is failing due to no such file or directory, it is likely that you have a special character listed in TRACK: Audio filename. The use of these will void the ingestion.

    1. Review metadata and remove any special characters included in filenames.


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