Distributing multiple albums to new sub-publishers can be done in the Distributors tab.
NOTE: Please ensure you have distribution agreements with Sub-Publishers BEFORE adding new Agents.
- Under the Distribute, select Agents.
- Select either the Label/Library or Agent tab to view either
- Once you select the label or agent you require, the agents or labels will automatically appear, if there are any.
- To add a New Agent, select Add, Select Agent and search in the drop down box
To add a New Label/Library, select Add, Select Label and search in the drop down box - If you cannot find an Agent click the Click here to add a new agent button, fill out their details, and wait for approval.
- If you did not distribute all albums to your new agent in step 4, click on the number under Albums Pending.
- Once the agent is added, to distribute music to them, select the number under the Pending Albums column
If you have added a new Label/Library to the existing agent, select the number under Pending Albums column - Select the Notify Agent check box then hit Distribute.
Important Note - if you are distributing a large number of albums (or whole catalogue) DO NOT check this box. Doing so will result in a very large email to your Agent. The best option for large distributions is to email the agent directly about the newly available content. - When the distribution process is complete, the number under Albums Available will read the number of albums that were selected for distribution. When a larger distribution process is running in the background a
icon will appear to represent this.
You may also choose to distribute individual albums from the Edit Album page.
NOTE: If you are distributing all the albums in a larger library, it may take time to appear in your distributor's account.
Release Update (16-08-2019): Distribution of albums and tracks will be blocked when the recipient sub-publisher has archived the content. If this occurs we recommend contacting the Sub-Publisher to discuss the issue.
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