Customising the Wording on your Player

Please note that we strongly recommend that changes be made by Harvest Media staff only. Please contact us on to provide you with a stings.xml file to update.



Many people often wonder if they can change the wording on their Harvest Pro player.

For many terms on the player, changes can be made in the strings.xml file in the Service Manager, by following the below steps. We have taken 'Favourites' as an example:

  1. Go to Apps and click Content

  2. Select the Assets tab and click the 'Strings' folder, and once expanded, click to open the 'strings.xml' file. This will open in a new tab.

  3. Right click the file which has opened, and 'Save File As' in a folder on your desktop.

  4. Be sure to save a back up before you make any changes to the file.

  5. Open the file in a text editor.

  6. Control + F to find the term you wish to change.

  7. Replace the string for each language of the term you wish to change.
    NOTE: Do not change the string id, here strFavourites. Simply replace the words you wish to display.

  8. Save the file.

  9. Go back into the Assets page from step 3 above.

  10. Click Edit next to the strings.xml file.

  11. Click Browse and locate your newly updated strings.xml file.

  12. Click Save.

  13. Refresh your player and the new terms should appear.

Please contact if you need any further assistance.

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