All Music > Edit Album

You can also edit your albums from the Music tab.

Once you have edited the information, you can click Save to return to the album in the Tracks tab, or Next to save any changes and proceed to the next album.

You can edit your album or tracks by following the steps below;

Music > All Music > Select your Label and a drop down will appear to edit your album as shown in the screenshot below.



Below are areas you may like to edit.

Manage Album:


  1. Title - ingested title
  2. Display Title - what is shown on player
  3. Release Date - must be set to order search results
  4. Status - shows or hides album from player
  5. Styles - select styles to associate with album. Styles must be set up already
  6. Attachments - add attachments to supplement album when distributed or downloaded 

Manage Tracks:


  1. Keywords - You edit your keywords here.
  2. Lyrics - You may enter the lyrics of the track here.
  3. Right Holder Text - Authors/Composers/Arrangers/Artists and Published can be entered here.
  4. Replace Master Audio File - you can replace to upload a new master file.


  • Clicking Next will save any edits you have made.
  • Album Art - can only be edited/uploaded by originator.


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