Creating Featured Playlists

Create and share your playlists using the Engage tab. 

  1. Create a Featured Playlist - press (+) icon, fill out details and upload and image, press save

  2. Whilst editing album, set to inactive. This can be done by pressing the green dot, once it turns red it means it is inactive

  3. Search tracks or browse through libraries, styles and categories on the left hand side panel

  4. Add tracks or whole albums to the playlist by dragging and dropping

  5. Set playlist to active (dot should be green)

  6. Copy playlists across to your user account by clicking the  icon, you can move or copy playlists between 'My Playlist', 'Team Playlists' and 'Featured Playlists'

  7. Search members from the bottom right hand side panel

  8. Share playlist with members or view and copy member playlists to your own lists. Select the icon and drag down to the desired member

For custom players only:

You can add in a playlist image via SYSTEM > FEATURED PLAYLISTS

Click the edit icon and upload an image before saving.



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