Advanced Import: Bulk update data

The Advanced Import function allows you to import whole label data, individual album metadata and audio in bulk, and add tracks to existing albums with metadata.

Before you get started:

If you are adding CATEGORY data, make sure you have added the parent category via Music > Categories in the admin.

Additional CODE or ATTRIBUTE fields: These will need to first be switched on via Account Settings > Advanced Settings > Field Settings. This will then add these column to your data download and allow them to be accepted when importing data.


Using the Advanced Import Tool

  1. Go to Music > All Music and download metadata for the album you want to edit.

    Please note that 'HM Standard (including Collection Model)' are supported. The legacy format is no longer supported. 


    Edit the data using a spreadsheet editor and save as a new version in .CSV (Comma delimited)  format.

    Note: It is important to use the 'Save As' option and select one of the formats above, as saving without changing the format type will cause your file to corrupt and incorrectly merge all columns into one.

  2. Open the Harvest Admin and navigate to the Advanced Import workspace and select Upload.

  3. In the pop-up, choose your updated metadata file to upload it.

  4. A progress bar will appear and confirm when your uploads are complete.


  5. The file will be validated once uploaded.
  6. If invalid, use the dropdown arrow to view the errors.


  7. Make any adjustments to the file until the Advanced Import verifies that the metadata is valid and complete the process by enabling the checkbox of the valid file (or pressing 'Select all') and click Import.


  8. For uploads that contain new tracks, if there are issues with the new tracks, the data will return as invalid as well as against the specific track. View the errors by clicking invalid


  9. For uploads that pass validation containing new tracks, the data file will return as Missing audio files. Expand the drop-down and view the missing tracks.


  10. Upload new tracks by clicking Upload within the file's dropdown panel.
  11. Choose the WAV file to upload. Ensure that the filenames of the audio match that of the  data file.
  12. The data file will now validate and process the audio files for upload into the system. Note: new tracks will be marked with a musical note which indicates the track is being processed.



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