Ingestion errors

There are a series of error messages that the ingestion tool will display when either validation metadata or attempting an ingestion. Use this guide to trouble shoot your issue.





This error is usually due to an issue with the contents of the album folder or the data itself.

Please check the following:

  • No additional files exist in the album folder other than: .txt data file, .jpg artwork file and .wav audio files
  • The artwork is no larger than 1200 x 1200 72dpi 1MB
  • Data file passes validation on the Ingestion Tool Validator

Send your metadata and a screenshot of the album contents to if you are unable to resolve the issue.


Data Validator


Error message


Album Release Date is not valid. It should be in the format: yyyy-mm-dd

Date format is not in yyyy-mm-dd

Track Duration is not valid.

Duration is not in the format of mm:ss or seconds.

In folder <folder name>, metadata contains a 0 (zero) value for track durations on line(s):n
You can continue with this ingestion, but we recommend this data to be entered correctly.

Duration field is set to 0. We suggest this data is added.

C:\Desktop\Library Name\Album Name\Test_Track1.wav does not exist               

Audio file is missing in the album folder OR the filename doesn’t match.

In folder 2.1.0  NEW ingestion - metadata, AT ROW: 3, 4 contain duplicated file name: Test_Track2.wav

‘TRACK: Audio Filename’ has duplicate data.

In folder 2.1.0  NEW ingestion - metadata, metadata file contains no data.

There is no data in the file.

Album Title doesn't exist.

‘ALBUM: Title’ is missing data.

Track Title doesn't exist.

‘TITLE: Title’ is missing data.

NOTE: We're unable to ingest collection shares on your account at this time. These are being ignored.

Any data in the following fields will not be ingested into your account. This is for selected accounts only.

WRITER:{number}: Collection Performance Share %
WRITER:{number}: Collection Mechanical Share %
PUBLISHER:{number}: Collection Performance Share %
PUBLISHER:{number}: Collection Mechanical Share %

Track Composer(s) doesn't exist.

‘TRACK: Composer(s)’ data is missing

Track Publisher(s) doesn't exist.

‘TRACK: Publisher(s)’ data is missing

The owner performance share total for publisher(s) is invalid for ‘name’ territory.

Total percentage shares of PUBLISHER do not equal 100%.

The owner mechanical share total for publisher(s) is invalid for ‘name’ territory.

Total percentage shares of PUBLISHER do not equal 100% each.

The performance share total for writer(s) is invalid for ‘name’ territory.

Total percentage share of WRITER do not equal 100%.

Duplicate publisher name(s) and/or IPI(s) found for ‘name’ territory.

Duplicate PUBLISHER name or IPI cannot exist more than once on a single track in the same territory.

Duplicate writer name(s) and/or IPI(s) found for ‘name’ territory.

Duplicate WRITER name or IPI cannot exist more than once on a single track in the same territory.

No writers/publishers found for ‘name' territory.

PUBLISHER and WRITER fields are empty.

WRITER n: [Publisher doesn't match listed publishers]

‘WRITER: {Number}: Original Publisher’ contains a publisher that is not listed in PUBLISHER fields for this track.

CAT: <name> is not identified. Column: n

Categories now must have the header as:; CATEGORY: <name>

Error: Row:2

The row location of error.

Length is not valid.

The Length data must be in the format of seconds or mm:ss e.g. 130, 2:16

Header format is invalid

Header should begin with

The header row does not comply with the Harvest Media standard or HM New Standard.

The total share of WRITERS is invalid

Total percentage share of WRITER do not equal 100%.

In folder xyz, AT ROW: 2, 3 contain duplicated file name: Test_Track1.wav

Duplicate filename exists in metadata.

In folder xyz, metadata file contains invalid characters at row: 2, column: 46.

Invalid characters have been found in the metadata. Line spaces may also exist

The total share of publisher is invalid.

Total percentage share of PUB do not equal 100%.

The artwork in folder xyz should be in format jpg.

The artwork in the album folder is not in jpg format

The following folders could not be added to the list as they are not valid Catalogues or Albums

Various errors may exist in the metadata. Use the Metadata Validator for details.

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